Need to lose weight ? but how?
- can impair general well-being and the quality of life
- can lead to cardiovascular diseases
- can overexert the musculoskeletal system
- can cause metabolic disorders (e. g. diabetes)
With the aid of a combination of acupuncture, Bioresonance therapy and Mesotherapy, you now have the chance to lose weight.
Bioresonance therapy
Bioresonance therapy is a biophysical method that makes use of the body’s own electromagnetic oscillations. The effects achieved are reduced hunger and cravings, the elimination of metabolic blocks and the stimulation of the metabolism in a continuous and healthy way.
The needles subdue hunger pangs and help to distinguish appetite from real hunger.
Painless, locally applied microinjections containing fat-dissolving, blood circulation-enhancing and toning substances injected into the fat depots under the skin help. Fat tissue can be drastically reduced on the stomach, hips, thighs (inner and outer), arms, shoulders and chin. A further positive effect of this treatment is a significant reduction of cellulite, particularly on the décolleté, throat or arms. In this way, there is no risk that the over-stretched skin will have a wrinkled appearance after fat loss.